You may have seen the term “RBT” on your child’s treatment schedule, or have ABA services recommended by your child’s team of providers; But what exactly is an RBT? 

To help you understand exactly what an RBT is, let’s refer to the corporation that brings applied behavior analysis together as one: the BACB. According to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB)a registered behavior technician is a type of paraprofessional certification obtained by individuals practicing or interested in applied behavior analysis. RBT’s assist in delivering applied behavior analysis services to your child and work under the supervision of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and can also work alongside a multidisciplinary team of providers. 

The next question that may come to mind is, “What exactly do RBT’s do?”.  

RBT’s work in ABA clinics, schools, in-home, etc. As directed by the BCBA in charge, RBT’s are responsible for executing applied behavior analysis interventions and strategies directly to the client. While they typically do not create treatment plans/goals for your child, thehave more direct contact with family members and personally witness step-by-step progress your child makes with goals daily. I hope this helped you understand what an RBT is. Let’s keep reading to see how RBT’s are beneficial in your child’s daily life at Blue Bird Day! 

You look at your child’s fall session schedule and see BT sessions with RBT ___.

You think to yourself how does my child’s RBT benefit their day at Blue Bird? I can help answer this question for you! 

At Blue Bird Day, our RBT’s and behavior therapists are here to individually target goals that you may see in their normal daily routines, such as increasing social skills with peers and adultsshaping behaviors to become appropriate within a natural setting, typical activities of daily living (toothbrushing, eating with a fork, washing hands, etc.), and any other goals outlined in your child’s treatment plan created by their BCBA.

Goals targeted in individual sessions are taught to help your child generalize skills in group classroom settings, and even with other providers they will see throughout the day. By collecting data daily, this helps RBT’s be able to track and analyze progression made by your child and if goals should be tweaked to fit your child’s needs.  

 Hopefully, this blog has helped you understand what an RBT is and how they can contribute to your child’s progress at Blue Bird Day. For more information on ABA services and to see if your child qualifies, feel free to ask your child’s team of providers!

Female teacher sitting at a table with two preschool or kindergarten aged children. They are all painting.

Blue Bird Day—the first therapeutic preschool and kindergarten program in the nation—fosters socialization, sensory regulation, and pre-academic learning in children ages 2-7 years. Our compassionate therapists practice a relationship-based and family-centered approach, provide parent training, and collaborate on goals and individualized intensive treatment plans for your child.

We believe in a collaborative and multi-disciplinary team approach to therapy. A team of occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, dietitians, developmental therapists, behavioral therapists, physical therapists, and therapeutic assistants are created for each child to ensure child and family are fully supported and the best possible results are achieved.  

Options for individualized, group and virtual therapy sessions are available as well. 

Want to learn more or you have a specific question? Feel free to connect with us here!

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