How Does Physical Therapy Work?
Physical therapists challenge children to improve in a physical way. They therefore rely on the Intentional Relationship Model (IRM) and a relationship-based approach for the best possible results. Therapists incorporate a variety of techniques in order to facilitate a relationship with each child. These techniques can be finding a preferred toy, singing a favorite song, or incorporating a preferred piece of equipment into the session. DIR/Floortime allows the physical therapist to follow the child’s lead, ultimately leading to more favorable therapeutic outcomes. Additional theories, such as Neuro-Developmental Treatment, Motor Control, Motor Learning, and Motor Skills Acquisition, provide the evidence-based approach to the practice. Blue Bird Day is equipped with large exercises balls, swings, balance beams, playground balls, bean bags, scooter-boards, dyna-discs and many other items that make physical therapy enjoyable for each child. Blue Bird Day’s physical therapists aim for a well-rounded approach to allow for the most successful outcomes.
How is Physical Therapy Incorporated into the Day?
Physical Therapy is a part of each child’s therapeutic rotation at Blue Bird Day and is an opportunity to interact with peers. In these rotations, gross motor skills are addressed using both structured and unstructured activities and are tailored to the abilities of each child. Many Blue Birds also receive individual physical therapy services where more individualized goals and skills can be addressed in a one-on-one setting. With both rotations and individual services, children are allowed opportunities to improve their gross motor skills in a variety of contexts with varying levels of support. All physical therapists provide services in both rotational and individual settings, allowing them to gain a whole picture of the child and how their gross motor skills vary throughout these environments.
What are the Goals of Physical Therapy?
Blue Bird Day’s Physical Therapists focus on improving a child’s independence and functional mobility so that they may independently and safely explore their environment. Additionally, physical therapists support other areas of development, such as communication and learning, by providing the strength and coordination necessary to improve in these areas. Blue Bird Day’s therapists understand that there are many factors that make each child unique and they treat each child as a whole. They are cognizant of these characteristics and tailor each treatment session to meet the child where they are at and provide them with the supports they need to succeed. By seeing the complete picture and adapting treatments to fit individual capabilities, goals are reached and progress continues.
Who Makes Up the Physical Therapy Team?
Blue Bird Day has physical therapists on our team in addition to physical therapy assistants. Each team member has a unique specialty of focus that allows for treatment plans to be tailored to each child.
Physical Therapy Heads and Leads

Jennifer K
Specializes in Primitive Reflex Integration, Kinesiotaping, Toe Walking, and Breathing and Postural Control.

Akhil S
Specializes in Developmental Coordination Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, and Gross Motor Developmental Delay.

Kelly C
Specializes Pediatrics, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, and DIR/Floortime.

Naila L
Specializes in Pediatrics and Pediatric Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.