Family Relationships

Here’s some Blue Bird Day tips for communication with your family, including advice on screen time, sibling harmony, play time, and daily structure.

Breaking Down Abstract Concepts for Young Minds

How do you incorporate your child’s love of Buzz Lightyear or planets into manageable learning activities that will assist his/her development? 

When your Buttons Get Pushed

Being patient and maintaining an understanding approach to children can be challenging, particularly when they are having highly emotional moments. Have you ever felt like your child is just trying to “push your buttons”?

The Power of Play

Imaginative play allows children to explore their feelings and thoughts, depersonalize difficult topics, and express themselves in various and creative ways.

Screen Time Tips

Screens are everywhere these days from schools to restaurants to stores and schools. We are constantly interacting with screens and attempting to understand best practices when interacting with them. This is particularly challenging when trying to impart good screen time practices to kids.

“What About Me?” – Sibling Support

Siblings tend to be our first friends and companions during childhood. This relationship assists in building a foundation for future relationships and social interactions. But what happens when a sibling receives a diagnosis of ASD? 

Those Tricky Transitions

Transitions are a constant in everyone’s lives. Some transitions are exciting and wonderful while others can be stressful or confusing. Some transitions are major life changes while other transitions happen throughout the day, like putting away toys to get ready for a meal.

Promoting Sibling Bonding Through Play

Prompting sibling bonding is important but can be challenging

Antidote to Screens

We’ve built a guide of go-to, educational toys that children gravitate toward!

Schedules and Rewards: Adding Structure to the Home Environment

Therapists and teachers often hear this common phrase from parents/caregivers: “If only my child were like this at home!!!”