Farm and Harvest

Welcome to Blue Bird Day’s Weekly Lesson Plans. This week we’re working on the theme Farm and Harvest! Read below for more themed lesson plans and activities.

Table Time Activity: Harvest I-Spy

Skill Check

This activity focuses on fine motor skills and counting.

Growing My Skills

1. Follow link to image and print.

2. Read through each item that you will be searching for.

3. Find each item and count the amount.

4. Cross off/dot/or X each item as you count if needed.

5. Write correct amount on paper.

Relaxation Time Activity: Making Fall Slime or Playdough

Skill Check

The goal of this activity is to help your child engage and participate in multi-step directions.

Growing My Skills

1.Gather materials.

2. Please help guide child through this activity (hand-over-hand or prepping certain materials may be necessary) as it is more challenging (please see Pinterest link for step-by-step instructions).

3. Ask your child questions that will help them connect with the craft they are making; Continuing to ask senses questions like; What does ___ feel like? What does ___ smell like? What does ___ taste like? While also incorporating other questions you’ve asked throughout the week, like asking questions while in the kitchen! What ingredients do we need? What do we do first? What do we do next? These questions can help your child continue to connect and engage in new activities!

Creative Time Activity: Popsicle Stick Tractor Craft


Popsicle sticks.


Wooden clothespins.


Colored paper or cardstock.



Skill Check

The goal of this activity is all about building your child’s creativity and fine motor skills.

Growing My Skills

1.Gather materials.

2. Please help guide your child through this craft (hand-over-hand or prepping certain materials may be necessary) as it is more challenging (please see Pinterest link for step-by-step instructions).

3. Ask your child questions that will help them connect with the craft they are making; “where do you see a tractor,” “what color are tractors?,” etc.

Movement Time Activity: Wheelbarrow Walks


Puzzle pieces and a puzzle board, pretend food and a basket, or small toys and a house.

Skill Check

The goal of this week is to practice your wheelbarrow walking so you can get to work around the farm!

Growing My Skills

Set up puzzle pieces and a puzzle board, pretend food and a basket, or small toys and a house so your child knows how many trials are expected and then can use their wheelbarrow (put in their or your pocket) to move them across a distance.

The goal is for your child to use flat hands, straight arms, and a flat back while moving forward with their head up looking ahead.

The closer to the ankles you hold your child, the more challenging; the closer to the belly you hold your child, the less challenging.

You can start off by holding your child at their hips, then at their thighs, then their knees, then their shins, and finally their ankles for a full wheelbarrow.

Mealtime Activity: Community Garden Hunt


Printing this bingo card.

Locate a community garden within walking or driving distance of your home.

Skill Check

The goal of this activity is to identify foods coming from the ground. Ask permission before harvesting for your family!

Growing My Skills

To do: Identify a nearby community garden (Options found here and here). Determine permissions to harvest or pick the veggies for your family. Some allow them and some do not.

Print bingo sheet found here.

Bring the bingo sheet to the garden and identify plants that are growing in the garden.

OPTIONAL: Grow your own potted garden! Materials: soil, ceramic pots, seeds, window with sunlight access. Follow the directions on the seed materials and try to grow a garden on your window sill!