Boosting Language Skills with the Five Senses
As children develop, they become explorers of their natural world, experiencing new sights, sounds, smells, and sensations. It’s important to recognize that while children with language and sensory difficulties experience these stimuli in a unique way, the novelty and uncertainty of these experiences provide a wonderful opportunity for you, as a parent and communication partner, to facilitate and promote language use, growth, and development.
Spinning Tea Cups and the Vestibular System
Remember going to the local fair or a big amusement park as a child? The excitement of knowing that, for a minute, your body was about to defy the laws of gravity on those amazing machines! You were going to be flipped and spun and dropped. And the spinning tea cups! Or maybe you dreaded these trips. The thought of your head spinning in circles and your feet going over your head was terrifying. You had no desire to feel the dizziness as you tried to walk back to your parents.